Wednesday, 9 November 2011


This is Elsa Road, this is where we aim to film but if for whatever reason we can't we will use Berwick which will be our backup.

 This is looking the other way down Elsa Road to show the perspective of how the road looks.

 These are two photos of different angles of the big Drama room, this is our priority of the Drama classrooms as it is the biggest and we are aiming to use all the staging and backdrops to make it look like a professional model catwalk.

This is a second Drama room that we plan to use if the other one is not free for whatever reason.

This is our Dance studio, if we decide to use this room rather than drama we will still try our hardest to make it look professional once again. Also, this room is much lighter than the drama rooms so may be better when it comes to filming to make the quality better overall.

As you can see in this photograph it is taken from the opposite angle but shows that there is mirrors within the dance studio, if we were to film in here we would uncover all of the mirrors which would once again help with the lighting as it would bounce the light off making it better to film in. The mirrors also include an element of Goodwin's theory as it is seen as a notion of looking so this would better our music video overall.

This is our school Gallery, we are planning to use this room to have our own photo shoot at the end of our music video where the boys come back after being rejected. Although it looks quite dark it is actually quite a light room especially down the other end this is why it would be ideal for what we want. Having the gallery helps as it means we also have the equipment within the art department like extra lights etc.

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