Monday, 19 September 2011

Music Video Analysis.

We analysed this music video and applied Goodwin's theory to our analysis, looking at factors such as genre characteristics, record label demands, intertextual references etc.

Genre Characteristics
- costumes: gangster/street look
- getting in trouble with Police/criminal activity
- hip-hop/street dance
- dog fighting
- violence
- lacking representation of wealth - cars are normal, clothing scruffy, images of bling minimal (seems like he hasnt got it but looking at it)
- some images of sexualised women (gold bikinis, looking like prostitutes) but not as you might expect
- setting - urban - Brooklyn NY - run down neighbourhood and some shots of the bridge
- images of underground, rough looking clubs adding to the gangster lifestyle
- stereotypical race conventions - policemen white, bad guys black/jailbirds/on the streets
- shooting at the end - reflects image of gangster cool

Lyrics and visuals
- song is about being a gangster/lifestyle and video images illustrate this
- sychronous relationship - thoroughout song, images reflect the lyrics sometimes generally and sometimes more specifically/literally e.g: 'God' = image of crucifix, 'bitch' = image of woman/dog etc.
- story about getting pulled over by police is literally illustrated in visuals - very narrative style
- "from the hood" - pulls hood down
- "paparazzi" - images of criminals (camera flash)
- visuals show some of the 99 problems and the pinnacle one being him getting shot

Music and visuals
- camera movements are jerky and constant which matches the rise and fall of the beat
- cuts are in sync with the bass, especially at the beginning
- lots of cuts and many different images making it hard to see everything at first viewing - similar to song, which is also dense with themes/imagery/narrative

Demand of the record label
- lots of (worms eye) low angle shots and close ups of Jay-Z makes him appear powerful - desirable image to promote within the hip-hop industry
- fewer shots of him than you might expect - seems like hes being modest or that hes the topdog/elusive on the streets. Also, reflects face that he is a well-established artist and doesnt need his face all over the video

Notions of looking/voyeurism
- looking at police in the wing mirror
- various shots of women which are very sexual
- looking through bars into prison
- video of Jay-Z outside subway station
- looking through fingers
- x-ray vision shot through boot of car

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